Tracy N Lee

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Letting Go

What do you do when your memory drags the “there and then” into the “here and now,” immersing you in the same old pain, agony, and distress?

Your past can infect your present and influence your future unless you decide to LET IT GO.

Close your eyes.  As you close your eyes, I want you to do two things: (1) clench your hands together by griping them into a tightened fist.(focus and make it tight) (2) Imagine in those closed fists rest THAT THING that you need to let go of or THAT THING that you’re having trouble letting go of.  Those things that are so dominant in your life that if they are not released, the pain just continues.  The sadness continues.  That bad relationship continues.  Something you’ve wrestled with over and over continues.  Something that has caused hurt or pain.  That fight, that loss, that struggle, the sorrow just Continues.  It’s something that we’ve wrestled with; struggled with; battled with over and over and over.  You are now at the point where you don’t know how much more you can take.  LORD I DON’T KNOW HOW MUCH MORE I CAN TAKE…I NEED YOU!! 
In your mind you hold on to that thing that you really need to let go of.  And now is the time to release those things.  To let go and let God as the saying goes.  To be released.  Giving those things that we’ve been holding on to up to God.  Trusting and believing that whatever thing you are dealing with is now in God’s capable and loving hands.  And we can rest fore we know that God’s hands are the best hands.  . 
Jesus, in Matthew 11:28-30 says
“Come to me all you who labor and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
We need to learn how to respond to Jesus’ invitation to rest in him and experience the life that God designed for us and not the one we have designed for ourselves.  Rest is the place where one surrenders their life and all of its concerns to God.  I’m convinced (I know I’m right) that our biggest challenge is letting go and letting God and actually allowing this process to truly take place.  I’m convinced because I’ve lived it and I’m living it. We forget to check in with God as it relates to the plan for our lives.  And then we realize that the plan we had wasn’t really God’s plan or even close to His plan and NOW there’s a problem between shifting from your plan because this is what you know, this is what you’re comfortable with, this is what you wanted to do instead of allowing God to dictate the matters concerning you and your life. 
Letting that go and being comfortable with the road and the twists and the turns and the ups and the downs, that’s the journey that God is taking you on.
And that’s the journey that we all want.  Like the song that was sung many Sundays as I was growing up, “Nobody told me that the road would be easy.  And I don’t believe He brought me this far to leave me.”
Do you have anything to take to God?

We take things to God, but we don’t commit to learning how we are to deal with it. We’ll take it and then we think that God is supposed to magically wave a wand over it, and it’s gone. It doesn’t actually work that way.  Looking at the scripture I gave in Mathew 11:28-30 Take it, learn and then rest in it.

Be Blessed!